Web 2 Final - Planning Document

Use this template to track your website redesign process. You will turn this root folder in with your final redesigned site. Use it to highlight your design process and any of the decisions you made to help set this site apart from competitors (The things you’d want to tell employers during an interview).

Summary of Business Type Genre and Business Name - 5pts

replace this text with the existing site link, who the business is, and summary of what they do.

Design Rationale (Project Objective) - 5pts

Define your objective here. What are you trying to accomplish for your client? Describe the brand message you are trying to communicate to their customers. Keep this paragraph short, but informative.

Target Market - 5pts

replace this text with the market segment this business is targeting

Heuristic Evaluation - 10pts

Replace this text highlighting insights from your own experiences in Web Design. Consider the things you learned in Web 1 about web conventions and the information from Don't Make Me Think. Maybe even incorporate some tips from the Good UI article.

Eddies Ebikes

Lacklore Electric

Competitor research - 10pts

replace this text with insights into your competitors offerings. What do they do well? What areas do they lack and give you the opportunity to capitalize on?

Color and Design References - 10pts

replace this text with screenshots of anything inspirational to help you in the design process - color - type - texture - anything.

Set of Detailed sketches - 10pts

replace this text with scans of your design solutions (mobile and desktop). These should be detailed drawings that communicate to a non-designer, non-visual person just what the site will look like.

First Photoshop Design Comp- 10pts

Replace this text with screenshots or jpg's of the first draft of your high fidelity Photoshop comps. Show both the layout sizes.   

Final Design Comp - 50pts

replace this text with screenshots or jpgs of your final design comps after all refinements. Show the two layouts. Also explain the updates you made to the design based on feedback from the previous step

Links to your legal image sources

add a list of links to your image sources. If the images are yours or client supplied, just indicate that.

Reflection: Summary of Concept and Solution

Describe how your design achieves the design rationale above. Add any other information you gather, or anything else you'd like to highlight or remember about making this website. This should be your longest paragraph. Describe what you want a viewer to feel when visiting your site and what design decisions you made to create that “feel.” How are you visually communicating your client’s message to their customers?. HIghlight the changes you made to improve the site and why you made the changes. Every change should have a reason that you can articulate.